This morning,
I asked Joe how we should decide which town or city we should live in when we move to Mali.
He said, "We should take a pool with us."
(Not really what I hoped for,) I said, "Well if we can take a pool with us, then we can go to any city."
Joe thought, "We should get a house close to a lot of other houses so we don't have to walk very far."
"Good thinking." I said.
"We should live close to a well." He continued. "Everybody's got to come to the well, and we could pray for rain for Africa."
I didn't know Joe knew what a well was. It sounds like he heard about it at church. It's interesting what things the kids pick up. Joe is really in to praying for rain. That makes a lot of sense to him. I think he's more into solving human needs than Drew is. Maybe Joe is more like his mom that way, and Drew's more like me.
Time will tell.
I asked Drew the same question yesterday. Check out his blog.
(Written by Jeff)