Thursday, October 4, 2007

Help Out

The other day we were all sitting around the dinner table. My dad asked Joe, "Are you going to help out when the new baby comes?"
"No!" Joe shot back with a little bit of disgust.
We were all surprised. He was in such a good mood, and we were all waiting cheerfully for his sweet little, "jYes."
Someone chimed in with, "Joe, you're a really good helper."
And I asked, "Why don't you want to help?"
Questioning our intelligence Joe said, "I'm not a doctor!"
(by Jeff Frazee)

Monday, September 17, 2007

Joe and Ugly

Pappy (Joe's dad's dad) wrote this to Jeff (Joe's dad) in an e-mail.

"I told Joe this morning that something was ugly and apparently he didn't even know what that word meant. He thought about squiggly and that's what a snake was....

Anyway, I think it shows excellent parenting that your child really isn't certain what ugly meant. You should blog about that sometime!!!


Joe is pretty great. Sometimes what your kids don't know is more impressive than what they do know.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

This is a picture of me. Granny was sitting next to me. I jumped on the trampoline. Granny was here to celebrate with us, to have DrewB's birthday with him. (Spoken by Joe)

Friday, August 10, 2007


Oh yeah,
This blog is called 'puter' because that is what Joe calls a computer, and that is what he said we should name his blog.
He also says mazagine in stead of magazine, and until recently, he called Crystal Lite 'Christian Life.'


Last night we were praying for Heidi while she is in Colorado. Joe prayed that "she would come home safely." I know he must have heard that somewhere, but it sounds just as good to hear your three-year-old praying for your wife.
My dad told me that when he saw the boys yesterday he told them that he had been reading about Daniel. Drew said, "Daniel in the lion's den." My dad said that he has also been reading about Daniel's friends, and Joe launched into the whole story of the fiery furnace including how the men said, "Even if [God] does not [save us] we will not pray to your gods."
I love that boy.

Sunday, July 1, 2007

Roll out the Green Carpet

Joe told me what to write.
"Yesterday I rolled out the grass. I had something to eat. I had apricots. Paint your hand. I just want to do it!"